hatstuck snarl

theoretically, a hairstyling salon


One way of kicking off another year-


4 can beans (or equivalent fresh or frozen)
1.5 8 oz. pks. Philadelphia cream cheese
10 eggs
2 full cups Gouda Cheese, grated
salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste
dry breadcrumbs

Mix the cheese with eggs and seasoning. Add well drained beans and mix. Grease mould with butter or margarine and spread mould with dry breadcrumbs. Pour in cheese and bean mixture. Place mould in a dish of water and bake in oven at 350F until mixture is set. Serves either 12 guests or 2 hungry oilmen under fedoras.

--from The International Women's Group of Aljaz-Iran Cook Book

Chiche Casarsa, Dresser Atlas


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