hatstuck snarl

theoretically, a hairstyling salon


As if intellect were limited to something found

between the ears, a

bundle of nerves and locked onto habit, a habit
of categorization, categorized and seemingly separate
from the branching and unbundled network below, but
every bit as lively nonetheless, as if the head were
merely bolted up top and in charge, the body a brute
tool, an appendage underneath and taking orders, as
if thinking were limited to something found between ears

"Paleoanthropologist Tim White describes the Herto
skulls as 'near-modern,' but sharing some
characteristics with prehuman species: 'The brow
ridges are very strong, and the area of the neck
muscle attachment is very robust,' giving the
individuals a very powerful aspect even
though the facial features are generally
recognizable as modern."

"And the braincase is rounded, like
a soccer ball, rather than the foot
ball shape of earlier human ancestors."

and thereby results in
our superior techno
logical achievements
as indicative perhaps
of brightness


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