hatstuck snarl

theoretically, a hairstyling salon


Jean, I have no idea why "port" is the only word I remember.

That dream was peculiar in that I visualized a text in which the structure was constant while the words weren't. I did read it several times but woke up with nothing but a textual image and that single word followed by several letters unseparated by spaces.

More usually I "talk" to myself in my head while emerging from sleep, or else while balancing somewhere on the verge of being fully awake, and then I might write down what I heard if I feel ambitious.

I guess it has to do again with the visual and the aural, though in dreams the senses seem to experience more of a cross-over, a synesthetic effect.

What's the code (while I'm on the topic of this dream text and you're helping Li Bloom with the same thing) for spacing between stanzas? I haven't figured this out yet, as is evident with my posting of the dream poem where the tercets were lost upon "Post & Publish."

Many thanks...sssssssstttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn


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