hatstuck snarl

theoretically, a hairstyling salon


Burke, Carolyn. “The New Poetry and the New Woman: Mina Loy.” Coming to
Light: American Women Poets in the Twentieth Century
. Ed. Diane Wood Middlebrook and Marilyn Yalom. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1985. 37-57.

Mina Loy was considered, during her time, to be the new woman and also a writer of the new poetry; both embodied an unwillingness to live by the rules. Response to her work during her time was dependent both on aesthetics and on personal response to the politics of the new woman. Burke proposes that it is necessary to examine Loy’s work, and the reception of her work by her contemporaries, in relation to attitudes toward feminism and the free verse, as these issues, like aesthetics and response to the new woman (gender), are related.


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