hatstuck snarl

theoretically, a hairstyling salon


predictions of winter in winter - we have these
last weekend I went out into the yard and planted tulip bulbs and dwarf iris
overdressed I got overheated - that is the air and the sun were warm
mid sixites - two days later a winter blast from the Yukon

I have buckets of ice and I turn them around - they freeze thick along the top and
thin toward the bottom so upended become a bucket

an ice bucket or bowl in which water unfrozen slashes

sloshes - I put these on my grape sticks which I also planted - I doubt
my success

with grapes that is - I need probably other varieties and didn't do enough
research before getting the ones I now have

but it was fun starting them as cuttings last summer - rooting these
moist sticks - keeping the butt ends warm and then planting in pots

nurturing these sticks until they grew leaves many of which later got some
kind of mold - probably and unsuitable variety for my weird area at
altitude in the south

maybe zone 6 sometimes but usually zone 7
this zone system highly variable in mountain microclimates

winter days hot and then cold a kind of inconsistency
some winters never get cold though
this isn't usually the case

so I finally got around to sticking these grape cuttings into the ground but
lack confidence

the question - should I try some other variety - having since done more research into
this issue - probably

and what about plums


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